Frequently Asked Questions
Why Goodschoolsguider?
When a consumer compares specific products and prices, they are normally close to making a purchase. So Goodschoolsguider's visitors have a high level of willingness to act and buy.
Through Goodschoolsguider , you can create good opportunities to increase your sales:
•Goodschoolsguider has 18.2 million visitors every month over all of our sites.
Goodschoolsguider ‘s visitors almost exclusively choose to buy at the retailers that are customers of Goodschoolsguider. This is a seal of approval, and by becoming a customer of Goodschoolsguider, you will get extensive exposure and increased conversion:
•Clear visual identity with colour logo.
•Description of stock status.
•Description of your company information.
How does it work?
The majority of sellers send us a file with their prices and products that Goodschoolsguider then updates at least once a day. If you cannot create such a file, Goodschoolsguider is able to automatically collect your prices once a day, without you having to do anything.
What does it cost?
You decide your costs on Goodschoolsguider yourself. All retailers can set a monthly budget, which means you always have control over your outgoings. You pay for each click (CPC) which allows a visitor to be sent to your site. Contact us for a more specific price proposal.
Register your store on Goodschoolsguider today
Get listed for free in Goodschoolsguider also lists retailers which are not customers of Goodschoolsguider. However, customers get almost all of the traffic from Goodschoolsguider visitors who are willing to buy. But all retailers are welcome to display their prices on Goodschoolsguider.
Are you interested in displaying your shop and products on Goodschoolsguider?
If so, then please contact us via email. Admin page for existing customers
On your own admin page you can, among other things, get an overview of your click statistics, administering bidding and creating various types of reports.
How do Verified Reviews work?
After a customer has completed a purchase with a retailer, the customer has the opportunity to evaluate the purchase with the shop by clicking on a link to Goodschoolsguider's Verified Reviews. This link is only shown to customers who have completed a purchase, which means that the reviews can only be submitted by real customers.
The survey is divided into two parts, with the retailer first being evaluated during the purchase and then after delivery of the product. In both parts, the customer rank the retailer from 1 to 5 where 5 is the highest score (Excellent) and 1 is the worst (Poor).
Part 1: Evaluation of the buying process (starts on the retailer's order confirmation page)
Part 2: Evaluation of the delivery (sent to the buyer after approximately one week)
When the script for Verified Reviews is implemented, you will get a constant flow of reviews. When you get a negative review, or simply want to write a response to someone, you can do this through the retailer admin pages. It is normally valuable to be active and to demonstrate that you take your customers opinions seriously.
•Example of survey
•Example of complete setup at Goodschoolsguider
The retailers that activate Verified Reviews get a greater share of the clicks on Goodschoolsguider and therefore more sales. NB! We have tools to check the reviews to make sure that they are created by real customers. If we discover fake reviews, the retailer loses its opportunity to use Verified Reviews.
For you as a retailer to be able to see how Goodschoolsguider develops your sales and keep track of the clicks that come through our service, it is common to use tracking on the products' direct links. These tracking parameters consist of an addition after the original product link showing the source responsible for the click/visit.
Example of what Google's tracking parameters can look like:
&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign= goodschoolsguilder
There are many different variants of tracking parameters. You can even expand and specify your parameters, so that you can see which of your categories and/or products a click/visit relates to.
Example: Goodschoolsgui-der&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=dresses-13482
How can I correct incorrect information or the name of a particular product?
A lot of the information we display comesdirectly from the retailers. So if you find an error, it is quite probable that something is wrong on the retailer page. We would be grateful if you could report incorrect information to us via email.
How can I change incorrect company/retailer information?
Our customers can change this themselves via our retailer admin pages. Please contact us if you do not have login information.
Why do we not have any recently updated prices visible on PriceRunner?
When a retailer makes a change to its site or in the price file, this means we have to import the file again before the changes are displayed on Goodschoolsguider. The file is imported automatically every day, but we can also schedule the file to be imported several times a day or do it manually straight away if you request it.
If you have added/removed columns in a price file or rebuilt your site, this can cause our import of your file to not work as it should. It is therefore sensible to be proactive and inform us of such changes in advance so we can adapt to them.
Things you should know about Goodschoolsguider price updates:
•Prices or information about products that are already on Goodschoolsguider will be updated immediately after we import the price file or site.
•New products often take around 24 hours after importing the price file or site before they appear on the site.
•If you add or change products, categories or make other important updates, it is always good if you can let us know. Then we can speed up the process and make sure everything takes place as smoothly and correctly as possible.
•Always consult with Goodschoolsguider before you restructure or make major changes to your site or price file.
What can happen if we change our price file or site without informing you?
If you simply add new products, categories or other existing information to the price file or on the site, everything will be fine.
But if you make significant changes to the structure of your site/price file, there is a risk that products will disappear from Goodschoolsguider or that there may be problems when we try to import the file or site. If you make changes in the field for each product's unique article number (SKU), this means that each product must be recreated in our database, and this means the accrued popularity (number of clicks) for those products will disappear. Always inform us if you are planning major or important changes. Then we will make sure that they take place as smoothly and correctly as possible.
Always consult with Goodschoolsguider before you restructure or make major changes to your site or price file.
Why does it take a while before new products appear on Goodschoolsguider?
The time it takes from a product being added at your website or included in your price file to become visible at Goodschoolsguider varies and can depend on a range of things.
It can take up to 24 hours before new products are displayed on Goodschoolsguider. If these are completely new categories for you, however, it can take longer. If you add or change products, categories or make other important updates, it is always good if you can let us know. Then we can speed up the process and make sure everything takes place as smoothly and correctly as possible.
We strongly recommend that you provide the manufacturer's barcode number (EAN) or article number (MSKU) in your price file or on your site. This means that matching to the right product on our site will be automatic and that updates will be quicker.
How often do you import our site or price file?
Your site or price file is imported 1-4 times per day. The number of times we import the file depends on how much system resources the data collection takes. If you have preferences about the times for importing the price file, we are happy to accommodate these.
Prices or information about products that are already live on Goodschoolsguider will be updated immediately after we import the price file or site.
Why are several of the products from us missing images?
The explanation can be that your image links which we load the images from have stopped working, or you have replaced the images on existing image links, which means we need to re-upload them to our system. Another possible reason is that we do not support your image format.
Make sure you always have clear and correct product images, as this increases your chances of more clicks. Contact us if you have problems with your images on Goodschoolsguider.
When Goodschoolsguider lacks information about your shipping costs. If we have no shipping information, we will place the price from you at the bottom of the comparison list for price sorting including shipping.
There are also products that we have not yet created a sorted price comparison for. These products are not sorted in ascending price order, but instead on the basis of relevance amongst other things.